We are underway sailing South and West, all the way from Gothenburg in Sweden to Brittany, France. It’s a long way to go, still 800 nautical miles!
We are four people on board. One old friend of mine, and two other people who found the boat on the crew-seeking websites.
The weather is really nice with light breeze from the Northwest. It feels a little cold, the Northerly wind is coming from up around Iceland, so that is not surprising! The sea is very calm and it’s very comfortable sailing. During the day the sun is shining, and at night we have the full moon, so it’s perfect!
ETA to Brittany will probably be on Friday, but it’s difficult to estimate exactly. We will take a day or so to get more supplies and then the plan would be to make a sailing trip at least for a week or so at the beginning of September. We will stay local to the North coast of Brittany, where there are lot’s of nice little harbours and islands to visit.
Fair winds!