It’s the beginning of another season for Kelsall 39, and I hope that we all will have some good times on board: making friends, going to new places and enjoying a good sailing holiday together.
I am writing this from on board the train from Britanny in France to Sweden. The health tests, train tickets, and schedule are all essential steps for getting the trimaran back on the water for the 2021 season. There are big plans for this year… but first there are a few jobs to do while the boat is still on land: like anti-fouling. At the end of May I will arrange to lift the boat in the water.
More jobs are planned to improve the systems. For example the old 12V battery has to be changed, and the plan is to upgrade the solar panels to provide more electricity on board. Another project is modifying the interior lighting to use LED (specially the warm-white) to save energy. I would like to make dedicated charging places for people’s telephones etc. which will hopefully keep things more tidy and be more practical. Also I would like to modify the front cabin so it is not only a place to put sails and anchor, but instead it should be a proper cabin with sleeping spaces.
I have to work June 10 – 25th, so the planned sailing for Kelsall 39 is in July. The route is dependent on what the health regulations are in Poland and Lithuania, but if possible a trip to Gdansk region and the peninsula of Hel would be fantastic. Bring your windsurfing board, as well as kiteboarding equipment because that’s a great place to use it, but it’s also beautiful nature and the Polish people are really nice!
The next month (August) will be to make our way out from the Baltic Sea and on down to the Atlantic. There are many places to go in Brittany, as well as the south coast of England, and also make a trip over to Ireland. The plan is to make a crossing of the Biscay to stop in Spain and Portugal in late September – and then over the winter, from November to March to sail in the Canary islands before making our way back North to Brittany for the summer 2022.
If this season 2021 is anything like the last season (2019), when I sailed with 17 different people from all parts of the world (Canada, Italy, Belgium, Lithuania, England, Switzerland etc.) then that is fantastic!
As you can imagine this is a very exciting, and I’m optimistic that this year is going to be really fun! I’ll keep you posted, and hope to see you on the water my friends!